Dragon Logic Enterprises


  1. The Internet is not outside the law, all normal state, federal, and international laws still apply to it.
  2. Access to the internet is not a right, it is a privilege provided by the school and under particular circumstances of use and behavior.
  3. The AUP functions as a contract specifying the privileges allowed and the responsibilities of the users.
  4. Schools have the right to deny access through, and to censor material on, thier machines and systems.
  5. Schools do not have the right to censor materials or discipline students for materials nopt on their systems.
  6. Schools and individuals do have the right to sue for defamation over materials published on the web.
  7. Editorial control of content of the web is (probably) exercised when a school:

  8. a) has an announced policy of content screening
    b) requires agreement to an AUP before granting access
    c) requires teachers to monitor for, and take action on discovery of,  obscene, offensive, or inappropriate websites
    d) uses software to screen net access for obscene, offensive, or inappropriate websites.
  9. Liability for editorial control is controled only by state liability law for public schools.
  10. Copyright applies to all web materials not specifically identified as public domain, whether a formal copyright application has been filed or not.
  11. Publication of material onto the web implies permission for cache copies in client machines, but not for any additional copies.
  12. Educational use of copyrighted material (on the web and off) is controlled by "fair use" polices and involves consideration of:

  13. a) the type of use
    b) the extent of the material being copied
    c) the impact ofthe copying on marketability of the material
  14. Individuals own the rights to materials created by themselves in their own time and at their own expense.
  15. Materials made for a second individual/organization at their expense are owned by the funding agency unless contractual obligations state otherwise, this includes materials made for educational institutions in the line of a regular salaried job.
  16. Written, signed permission must be abtained from the copyright owner or their asignees for use of any copyrighted material, email replies, faxes etc. may not hold up in court.
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to Postmaster@dragonlogic.com
Website created: January 22, 1998
Website last updated: July 18, 2001
Copyright Dragon Logic Enterprises 1998-2001