Metamorphic Grades II

The gross changes in the rock can best be seen by following a shale as it is subjected to increasing heat and pressure till it melts.

Shale- Consists of mostly clay grains and silt or sand with water and disolved chemicals.
Slate- Water is driven off by compaction and clays are compressed to form distinct layers.
Phyllite- Clays start to recrystalize into micas ( too small to see) - they give the rock a sheen.
End of Low Grade Metamorphism
Schist- Clays have fully recrystalized to visible micas and iron-aluminum silicates are starting to recrystalize. Rock consists of mica flakes and layers surrounding grains of other materials.
Gneiss - Micas and other materials are reacting to form amphiboles and other less platy minerals giving a more granular appearance to the rock.
End of Medium Grade Metamorphism
Granulite - Extreme recrystalization to high temperature & pressure forms resulting in a rock with large rounded/stubby grains. further heating or pressure will result in melting and Granitization.

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Copyright William C. Wilson 1997
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Website created: January 22, 1998
Website last updated: November 18, 2000