A Silly Poem: Thunder and lightning, very, very frightening..... Beware what hides upon the winds. Dragons of shadows and crux. (c) 1995 Kienenberger Topics, topics everywhere and of this tale I speak! Through the rain, sleet and snow, a scaled head did peek. A head of a dragon swinging a tail to match, about in a blurring streak, The head would move first, then the teeth, then the tail's tweak. All in its path paid it heed, cept for a skinny freak. The dragon raged, the dragon charged, the outcome looked quite bleak. The skinny man, faced with the sight, collapsed becoming suddenly weak. In its frenzy the dragon sailed over, flying on, for about a week. Realizing its error, the dragon came back in search of the skinny sneak, With ice and wind flying about, the dragon landed near the fainted geek. The dragon saw a creature of no fear, instead of that which was meek. It gobbled him down, but spat him back up, boy that man did reek. This story of corse ends here, for there's really no moral to speak.