The Flaming Death, the Burning Cataclysm The flaming death, the burning cataclysm, Illuminator, fiery and bright. Leaping high, a shining red-gold beacon. Making a false day of the darkest night. The flaming death, the burning cataclysm-- Fire, glowing instrument of hell. Screams of loss and torture, of the victims, Come ringing from this bloody golden bell. The flaming death, the burning cataclysm; Snapping and crackling; cackling with glee. Rushing across the landscape in its fury, Triumphant as the dying victims flee. The flaming death, the burning cataclysm. We watch, and we admire it in our flight. Giving warmth and life to those it threatens-- A deadly, shining weapon of pure light. ---Amethysta Silverflame