Welcome to the 21st weekly AFD Poetry reading! for those who are new to this ongoing poetic madhouse let me flood the procedures by you - all flood scripts should be off AFD POETRY READING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PROCEDURES * 1) All Poems are to be written by afders or imediate family/close friends. 2) If you have poems msg me the titles and author so we can keep things running smoothly and fairly - first reads will be given before repeats. 3) Greetings and general conversation should conducted either in #Kelekona - not in #AFD_Poetry. During the readings #AFD_Poetry will be set +mi and only the ops and reader will be able to talk - at the same time #Kelekona will be open for general conversation the breaks after rounds 1 and 2. will be held in #Kelekona only and the stage (#AFD_Poetry) should be quiet . 4) We will be running the reading in semi-moderated form from now on when a poet comes up moderation will go on - you willbe given a voice to read when you are introduced moderation will be turned off after the poem is complete so be sure to include an END to them - thanks. 5) We use a "reader" (feel free to suggest some public greggil you dislike ) as a means of announcing when someone is about to read - when you see this happen please stop talking in channel. * (this week's reader is: Bob (Dole)) 6) If you are late please /msg Chant, Kalytyra, or Heatherica before entering - we will let you know when #AFD_Poetry is off invite only status (poem being read is finished). 7) We generally run for about 3 hours with 10 poems in each of 2 or 3 rounds the rounds are seperated by a short stretch and munch period (G). 8) I am logging #AFD_Poetry so anyone who wants a copy let me know by msging me. 9) I will also be putting out a post to the newsgroup about this weekly affair. It will include the poems from this week - so if you have something you don't want in the post but would like to read here let me know - I'll pull it first 10) The regular AFD Poetry Workshop meets on Saturdays in #Hawaiian_Weyr at 5 pm PDT for those interested in polishing things up before reading 11) We will be meeting next Saturday at 7PM Pacific here in #AFD_Poetry and #Kelekona for the 22th weekly reading. * our first poem is a tearjerker of Wildbill's called The Broken Grave The Broken Grave * Long ago he left this world his family grown and spread His descendants remeber not his name or his last place of rest his gravestone now is cracked while at his feet rests the old gray stump of the mighty tree he planted once to shade the ground where his loved ones sleep. But god remembers all he did and so he leaves this sign one red rose - in springtime bloom above his dusty head. end * Heatherica applauds. * Havoc_TR applauds, smiling but sad. * DChanty applauds * FiresRogue applauds, and a tear rolls down his cheek. * Jenn2 closes her eyes and thinks thanks all I did warn you it was a tear jerker there is actually a phot that goes with it - the poem was written about an actual grave site I found that was just like that wow Umm, that's lovely. oooh, can you guys wait? someone who I want to see this, but I gotta figure out hwo to get them onto dalnet, someone PLEASE tell me they know the telnet addy for dalnet! due to the small turn out of poems rather than split into seperate sections we are going to do all of the reading in one (not so) long stream our next poem is titled Desert and is by Jenn2 * Dragonheart hands Bob over to Jenn * Jenn2 hrmmm's * FiresRogue whistles. * Jenn2 grabs Bob Dole, uses him as a toothpick, and sends him spinning towards the dart board...100! okay... here goes nothing...or something, but I think it's nothing... *Desert* Sun glaring in my eyes, I wonder if I can go on, So desperate and fearful Of failing yet another time. Stumbling, my footsteps echo Within the dry and dusty desert, Or perhaps that is my mind. *end* * Heatherica applauds * Havoc_TR applauds! * DChanty applauds, very good Jenn * FiresRogue applauses, then disconnects from the net. I don't like that last line, though, it doens't work actually it does hun and does so pretty well ya think so? I liked it fine, we'll hold up here for a minute or two while firerogue's sister steals a fast phone call * Jenn2 laughs * Dragonheart passes around a huge platter of meats, cheeses, fruits, veggies, breads, crackers, chips, dips, and spreads * Dragonheart hands out his patented drinking flagons, goblets and tumblers to any and all that want them - enjoy folks * Jenn2 grabs a ritz cracker and dips it into an onion dip * Havoc_TR grabs a flagon and thinks "Cider!" * DChanty settles down with a plate of strawberries and whipcream and her ever present glass of ice tea How DO you make tea out of ice, anyway? freeze the tea leaves ;) heheh, ya know, ya can make something that tastes EXACTLY like tea by mixing paprika, cinnamon, and sugar with water...it REALLY does work, try it! I learned that out by experimenting, unfortuneatly, I hate tea :P Maybe that's how they make tea on the Heart of Gold. ask dent next time you see him :) heart of gold? A starship where, whatever you ask for to drink, it gives you a cup of something which is almost, but not quite, completely unlike tea. weird from the hitchhikers guide nope well get going now with our sonnetraptor and his piece Foundations * Dragonheart pulls Bob out of th dart board and hands him over to HAvoc * Havoc_TR wanders up, knocks Bob down, and steps on him. Twitching his toeclaws. Foundations -- You think the bridge was built of stone and steel And bedrock based foundations make it stand. You think that engineering drives the wheels Which move from land cross water back to land. You think the ships which pass beneath the span Are bouyed by the water they displace. That markets here and there, the great demand Direct those ships in moving place to place. You think the countries of the Earth's vast face Are built on history and held with strength. You see the art and knowledge of each place And speak of how they strove, and at what length. You speak of all beginnings as they seem. But long before the concrete came the dream. ---end * Heatherica applauds. * FiresRogue applauds. That was great! hrmmm... * Jenn2 hrmm's thoughtfully * DChanty applauds thats a nice one, Havoc Anyone catch the pun? what pun? ah, beginning as they seem? "Concrete" means a building material, but it also means real, solid. I caught that. You mean the double meaning, as foundations as beginnings and as concrete pilings? got that one ah That too! *shrug* so I'm bad with puns :P nicely done Havoc Yep, it was quite thought-provoking, about what's truly important in life. next up is my own love Chant wit a poem entitled The Voice * DChanty smiles .......The Calm Soothing Voice...... *** *** *** A small red light flashs, a hand touchs a button The Calm Soothing Voice answers, the voice listens quietly hearing the sounds of other voices filled deep with pain, rage, despair, anger, hate, fear. they come in all ages, women, men, children young and old and imbetween. They call for help, they call for relief, they call for the sound of another humans voice. Always they hear, the Calm Soothing voice. The Voice that tells them help is on the way, The Voice that calmly tells them how to save a life, The Calm Soothing voice never waivers as it talks to the other voices of life and death, of cruelties unbounding and endless. *** *** *** The Calm Soothing Voice that never waivers has another voice inside. A voice that trembles and quivers and feels every spark of anger, pain, rage, despair that the other voices speak. The Voice inside cries out silently with each heart wrenching word uttered. The Voice inside rages out its anger as the stupidity of the other voice tells its tale bemoaning the turned back for the phone call that seemed so important more so then the children playing by the pool, children now gone because of a turned back and a phone call. The Voice inside wails with despair at the lose of a life taken from an old lady all alone in life, to violence cold and cruel and unfeeling. The Voice inside sighs its relief at someone lost now found or the breath of life once more restored. The Voice inside chuckles at the request for a K9 dog to sniff out a pair of lost car keys from a voice that needed a few cups of coffee. The Voice inside laughs at the question of why the number is 9.1.1 when 1 comes first so it should be 1.1.9 instead. *** *** *** A little red light flashes, a hand touchs a button The Calm Soothing Voice answers....... *** *** *** The Calm Soothing Voice walks out into the sunlight The Calm Soothing Voice cries and laughs no longer Calm, no longer Soothing. Another night gone, another day to come, another time to feel, another chance to be held as the sunsets. The Calm Soothing Voice Sleeps. *** *** ***..........THE END.............. Chantilly Runslight Dragonheart * Heatherica applauds *blink* wow...that's beautiful...that's so moving... * Havoc_TR applauds! * FiresRogue begins to cry. * Dragonheart hugs his love and holds her tight >:"8( The old lady all alone in life reminded me of my grandmother who died recently. Hiya Solitaire! * DChanty hugs FiresRogue re Sol Thankee, DChanty. Hiyas. nice poem DChanty...what I caught of it anyways... I am Telnetting in... * FiresRogue grabs a kleenex. It is very powerful, moving. The emotions are stunning. I think we all know someone like that * Solitaire is sorry he missed this one from the reactions. our next poem is by a new comer to our ranks meep! please welcome FiresRogue and his poem Crimson Flight * Dragonheart hands what is left of Bob over to Firtesrogue * FiresRogue picks up Bob Dole, and says "Sorry for the torture you've endured tonight". While I'm watching, nervously waiting, I see a head, never abating, staring into my minds far and distant shore. Then, as if of fire, the giant wings begin to fly her, up above the ocean's lovely coast. While watching I begin to shudder, as my spirit joins the crimson flames, in a dizzy, swirling, joyous flight. *end* * Havoc_TR applauds! * Heatherica applauds. wow, that's nice, Fires * DChanty applauds * Tephra applauds * FiresRogue silently walks back to his seat. Thankee, everybody! Nice Fires, very nice! * FiresRogue just made that up last night on #afd. It's my first poem ever. were you scared reading it? (I got a lot of help from DragonHeart, though) * FiresRogue extra double thanks DragonHeart for his help. Well, a little bit. Not too bad, though. hrmmm, thought DH was female? * Jenn2 blushes * Dragonheart huggles FR well you had a good poem to start with - and we are all nervous when we step up here yeah, some of us even pee our pants...that's usually the greggils, though... * DChanty blinks next up with an untitled poem is our poetess who was unsure of my gender * Jenn2 giggles please welcome back Jenn2 oh, I wasn't unsure of it...I was sure of it...just was wrong :P okee...wrote this last night, right after i wrote Desert, but obviously my moods changed... *Untitled 10* (possibly to be named Love) So simple, yet so vastly complex I ponder this emotion which has taken hold of me. The little thing called love, it alternately pains and comforts me Like some sado-masochist I wonder if it should be like this or if it should be unbelievably different but I don't really care I like it how it is. *end* * Heatherica applauds. * Havoc_TR applauds. Brava Jenn * DChanty applauds Kudos to the Lady! I ain't no lady :P * FiresRogue whistles! good job Jenn * Solitaire smiles. "Good one, Jenn." Oh yeah, youre a woman, I forgot. * Jenn2 grabs Bob Dole belatedly, and sticks him in a dragon-sizedp eice of gum under a table * FiresRogue kina sorta missed desert because he read it too quickly when his sis needed the phone. :( next up is our poet raptor with an other nonsonnet poem for us please welcome Havoc back to share Darkness with us * Havoc_TR wanders up. Darkness -- I am the spirit of the night The wilderness which creeps to your door Your fathers' fathers' fathers crouched Around the fire while I prowled free And you, oh godless godlike Man You, all-powerful Lord of Creation You sit in the flickering light Of Video, the electronic fire And turn the sound loud lest you hear My tapping at your window Where I crouch and stare in and chill your spine Grinning at your so-called omnipotence With unseen fangs. ---end * Heatherica applauds an excellent non-sonnet. ohhhhh I like that one * Tephra applauds loudly Yes! wow That Video thing reminds me of my dad! Wow, Havoc! Tho I consider darkness my friend, I like this! He watches TV 24 hours a day. that was so excellent Havoc, and so true ('cept when he sleeps and works) I wander the Darkness too.. but not many do! the darkness has consumed me, I think I like the darkness, but I still use a night light. * Jenn2 giggles (I fall over things and get hurt on my way to LDR at night if I don't) LDR? FiresRogue- Just breathe a little flame. LDR=Lil-Draggies-Room. ah I don't gotta go there in the middle of the night... i go before I go to bed, and when I wake up,a nd I'm fine Up next is our own enChantress Dragoness Chat witha piece called Puffs of Dirt oops Chant * Dragonheart unsticks Bob and hands him over * DChanty hold Bob bye his old ear I wrote this for my brother Matt .....Little Puffs of Dirt........ ** ** I watch as you walk accross the yard your boots kick up little puffs of dirt with each step I feel your pain, your hurt. ** ** I watch as you sit in the dirt with each fist that pounds the ground a little puff or dirt for each and every hurt. ** ** I watch as your tears fall to run down your cheeks once a little boys, now becoming a mans to blend with the dirt for each and every hurt. ** ** I watch as your heartbreaks wanting to fix the heartaches your tears coming from the muddy puddles that life makes. ** ** I watch as you stand and walk away kicking up little puffs of dirt for each and every hurt. ** ** The End Chantilly Runslight Dragonheart * Heatherica applauds * Jenn2 wipes away a tear * DChanty sticks old Bob back under the table * Tephra applauds Bravo, Chant! * Havoc_TR applauds, smiling, sad, not sure. Good. * FiresRogue really is crying IRL now. * FiresRogue is reminded of his own self. >:"8( beautiful love have you shown it to him yet? its tough to be 16 these days no not yet, love Ohhh god! it might help I'm 16, and I totally feel for this poem. our next poem is a brand new one of mine *** Heatherica sets mode: +mi all of maybe an hourand a half old this one is called Boiling pots and Rainbow falls Boiling Pots and Rainbow falls * water falls and rainbows burst as the stream boils down the slope where flaming streams of molten rock once boiled and burned a path from peak to shore and later chiefs in palm and tapa bathed and splashed now tourists come to view and learn, and stand amazed their stable world of old and slow ripped apart as slow and happy hawaiian ways stand forth beside the rushing changes of the fastest living land on earth. end * Heatherica applauds. * Tephra smiles and applauds Excellent DH! Great! * DChanty applauds and smiles * Havoc_TR applauds! He thinks of timescales, geologic, traditional, modern... That was great! * FiresRogue is growing so weary of modern hectic life. our next poem is another sonnet by our own sonnetRaptor Havoc this one is called Palette! * Havoc_TR thanks Dragonheart and takes the stage. The Palette -- A slowly soaking rain from silver cloud The bracken ferns a warm and golden brown They dripping seem to weep as rain falls down The world in silence, tiny sounds seem loud I think I hear She who makes maples burn. She paints a single tree in colors proud And soon the brilliant few will be a crowd As maples, aspens, even oaks will turn. The artist's palette colors bright did wear. She used them sparingly, so now in fall She heedless splashes trees soon to be bare The colors spent in haste to use them all To clean her palette bare against the day She sketches using only white and gray. ---end * Solitaire whispers "wow..." * Heatherica applauds. * FiresRogue loves that poem, because it reminds him of how it is in other climates. Bravo * DChanty applauds loudly A great portrait of fall Havoc. I love it. (We don't have fall colors here) (The leaves just fall off) :( You probably don't have six months of snow either. :) snow? brrrrrrr I miss snow! * Heatherica *looks* at DariusTAD. Shall I send you some in a month or so? The trees here are just starting to get their colors. I hope to be able to get a plane and go flying around. If I do, I should get some GREAT pictures...! Nope, we have three months of harsh wind and freezing temperatures without even three inches of snow. I only wish some of the snow would miss ME. :) Sure! Please do, Heatherica! * FiresRogue would LOVE to have a real snowfall this year! The trees here are beginning to drop their green leaves. * DariusTAD would too FR our next to last poem is another of my love Chanty's pieces this one is called Sounds Where do you live, Darius? * Dragonheart calls Chant back onstage * DChanty smiles and pulls old bob out from under the table * DChanty looks at bob a little worse for wear but so is the govt :) ......Sounds...... . . . Softly when the night calls A warm gentle breeze floats through the air I hear a sound A soft rhythm I listen as it caresses my heart . . Softly as the dawn breaks The rays of the sun peek over the horizon I hear a sound A soft melody I listen as it caresses my heart . . Softly ever so softly I listen I hear I know the sound . . The sound is laughter the sound is joy the sound is love the sound is my heart, loving yours. . . ..The End.... Chantilly Runslight Dragonheart Oh, my. Lovely, Chant! * Heatherica applauds * Tephra applauds * Havoc_TR applauds, smiling, tears in eye. Maybe someday.. * DChanty hands old bob a gift certificat for a face lift and sticks him back under the table * Dragonheart hugs his love tight * FiresRogue whistles and claps! * FiresRogue agrees with Havoc. * DChanty gives her love a hug ok folks we have one more poem and then we are done the last poem for tonight is another of my mad dash offs in the 2 hours before the reading today this one is titled Mauna Kea Sunset * Mauna Kea Sunset * the red rocks glowed above us in the evening sun *as we raced the the shadows to the Pu'u's peak * below us the clouds shrouded the flows in smoke and purples * the firey disk of the sun turns Hualalai to lava flames and fountains * while the clouds spread out into a a lake of red and violet * while the rays of the setting sun spread upward to strike us * granting us their blessings as we stood within the sungod's temple * on the slopes of his white mistress Mauna Kea end * Heatherica applauds. Yes! Brilliant! * Havoc_TR applauds! Cool. Well, very hot actually... * FiresRogue loves the romance of native place names! * DChanty applauds that was very good love Very Good DH! DH- You hear a knocking at your door. It's me. I've got a sleeping bag.... :) well you'll be standing there in the heiau with me next time love ok that concludes our 21st weekly poetry reading our poets workshop is held every Saturday starting at 3 pm Pacific time in #Hawaiian_Weyr Session Close: Sat Oct 12 17:49:16 1996