WELCOME TO THE 20TH WEEKLY AFD POETRY READING! for the logs and those who haven't seen them every week here are the procedures (more or less) AFD POETRY READING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PROCEDURES * 1) All Poems are to be written by afders or imediate family/close friends. 2) If you have poems msg me the titles and author so we can keep things running smoothly and fairly - first reads will be given before repeats. 3) Greetings and general conversation should conducted either in #Kelekona - not in #AFD_Poetry. During the readings #AFD_Poetry will be set +mi and only the ops and reader will be able to talk - at the same time #Kelekona will be open for general conversation the breaks after rounds 1 and 2. will be held in #Kelekona only and the stage (#AFD_Poetry) should be quiet . 4) We will be running the reading in semi-moderated form from now on when a poet comes up moderation will go on - you willbe given a voice to read when you are introduced moderation will be turned off after the poem is complete so be sure to include an END to them - thanks. 5) We use a "reader" (feel free to suggest some public greggil you dislike ) as a means of announcing when someone is about to read - when you see this happen please stop talking in channel. * (this week's reader is: Bob (Dole)) 6) If you are late please /msg Chant, Kalytyra, or Heatherica before entering - we will let you know when #AFD_Poetry is off invite only status (poem being read is finished). 7) We generally run for about 3 hours with 10 poems in each of 2 or 3 rounds the rounds are seperated by a short stretch and munch period (G). 8) I am logging #AFD_Poetry so anyone who wants a copy let me know by msging me. 9) I will also be putting out a post to the newsgroup about this weekly affair. It will include the poems from this week - so if you have something you don't want in the post but would like to read here let me know - I'll pull it first 10) The regular AFD Poetry Workshop meets on Saturdays in #Hawaiian_Weyr at 5 pm PDT for those interested in polishing things up before reading 11) We will be meeting next week at 7PM Pacific here in #AFD_Poetry and #Kelekona for the 19th weekly reading. * our first poem is one of mine it was written about 18 years ago about a close friend of mine but aplies to one of our later poets tonight as well and is dedicated to her this one is called I watched a friend *I Watched a Friend * * I watched a friend grow up * I saw her change * from young and scared * to wise and calm * from girl to woman * I watched - and heard * her joys - and sorrows * I helped her work * and shared her play * I watched * as she learned * to live * to love * I watched her grow * end * Heatherica applauds * Havoc_TR applauds! Nice. * Solitaire smiles and applauds * Tephra claps due to the time change for the reading this is going to be a short reading unless a bunch of poets pop up unexpectedly thanks for the applause foir the poem we are changing the day because I have a Sunday job now playing tourist tourguide to the active volcano here Ooo, nice job *grin* Don't know enough to lava well enough alone.... are they going to try to read thru this?!?!?!??! and as the best time to view the lava is a t sunset I'm not available sunday nights and afternoons anymore our second poem for the night is by our sonnet raptor Havoc and is titled Sleeping Late (something he'll get to do the mornings after the readings now ) * Dragonheart hands the Mic over to Havoc Sleeping Late -- It seems that I have slept too long. It's getting late, I've not the time To do the things I'd planned today. The sun's already in decline. -- I've been away from here too long. Through spring and summer, into fall. Three seasons without time to breathe. It's like I'm not alive at all. -- I did not come this far to sleep! I came to see fall colors blaze. I came to see the shoreline's sweep Dyed rich in Autumn's magic haze. -- For yet a while the sun rides high. I'll see all that I can, but then Too soon the sun will westward set To find its bed and rest again. --end * Tephra applauds * Solitaire claps loudly, "Good one Havoc!" Not a sonnet. (Looks around for victims of shock.) * Heatherica applauds -- but that's _no_ sonnet ;-) * Heatherica grins slightly . . . I noticed. * Dragonheart slowly climbs off the floor and picks up his jaw * Tephra grins * Heatherica grins . . . Some sonnetraptor you are! well done what ever the form Havoc because of the change this is going to be a short reading with only one round of poems our next poem is a peice by my daughter Kryiin (whom my first poem is dedicated to) this one is titled Words Words . Such simple things words nouns, adjectives and verbs we take words for granted they happen every day do we stop and wonder how we use them and in what way words have many meanings to each syllable and sound they can be silly or they can be profound Do you ever stop and think before you say a word Do you ever wonder just how the word is heard You can string words together to make a thought complete You can take the string of words and use them to compete But have you ever taken a word and used it like a knife have you ever used a word to hurt someone in life Those words you utter may cause someone to cry think before you use them and instead make them sigh Sigh with laugther and sigh with joy words can be a wonderful toy When we take words and use like a whip making others cringe then its time to quit A simple word can mean so much when it reachs out to touch Remember its not always the big words the little ones mean so much put them together and they reach out to touch a simple word like hug a little tiny verb and yet so powerful a mighty mighty word. End Kryiin Dragonheart-Runslight Excellent! * Heatherica applauds. * Havoc_TR applauds! I love that one hun Good to remember too, on the net, where a "kind face" is nothing, words are all we have to "see" each other by. * Tephra applauds * Solitaire nods at Havoc. agreed Havoc * Tephra knows that all too well.... the next poem is one from from Niky this is titles Tunnel The Tunnel I am lost in a tunnel of darkness groping around for some sense of direction. There seems to be no end to the blackness. As a last resort I kneel and go into prayer. As if you've taken a boulder off my shoulders, I feel you touch my hand. You lead me out of the dark and Into the bright exuberant light at the end of the tunnel of life. end * Heatherica applauds * Havoc_TR applauds. * Tephra applauds Bravo, Niky. Bravo... its lovely to see that change Niky our next poem is again by an absentee (oh well what did you really expect this week ) * Solitaire chuckles. * Heatherica grins slightly . . . Well . . . it's _earlier_! in this case by Miari Title - A magic moon There was a moon tonight as I glanced to the sky I was suddenly drawn in I couldn't look away The velvet pink, blending up to blue in early twilight Above, starkly radiant, this moon A brilliant, imperfect round I was carried to a vision as clear and crystal as the visage before me. Standing before the same moon in another place another night. I sense you move to join me No words needed your hand winds into mine We stand gazing at the wonder. I'm brought back to this present moon I need only to glance to know you are heree Your heart, next to mine Our souls, entwined end Miari (Meep) * Heatherica applauds. * Tephra applauds smiling * Solitaire smiles. "Beautiful..." I like! CHant where are you (looks around quickly) if anyone wants to read a poem please let me know as we have lots of room this week * Havoc_TR digs out a 3 volume epic..... Heh, the only thing I've got is my old .plan file, and I doubt anyone actually wants to see that :> ok Pan DH -- okay, I'll read it, but I warn you, it's very long and full of embarrassing things about me :> Does anyone want to see it? :> So do I, and Shavy too... but Shavy's off... Pangea is reading, did you say? Okay, you've all been warned, you'll now all know more about me than you ever wanted to... for your viewing pleasure I have my old .plan file :> Pangea has decided we are a safe audience (boy is she mistaken ) and will do a piece for us * Heatherica grins slightly . . . Reading to dragons . . . _that_ is safe??? On short notice it's all I have :> Okay, here comes... Pangea -is 5'4 1/2" in height -does not know how much she weighs in any country -does not care anyways -had congenital cataracts at birth -wears glasses, since the age of two -could never remember which was far sighted and which was not so she just explains it by saying she has to hold things close to her face to see them -has blue eyes -has strawberry blonde hair which she used to keep short but is now growing long -has only two scars that she knows of - one on her right hand and one chicken pox scar near the...um...buttock area -has had the measles three times - one German, two red -went to university but she got booted out -realized that while the world might see that as a bad thing she doesn't really care -loves to watch tv -owns a tv on which she will regularly watch cartoons and episodes of any and all Star Trek series -has traveled to France twice and Hungary once -lives with grandparents, always has, but would like to branch out on her own one day -believes, or tries to, in the qualities of chivalry -does not believe in God but will discuss religion -does not like the outdoors, will not camp, does not like being in the sun -loves the ocean -loves the forest -likes to drink draught when she goes out -sometimes drinks too much draught when she goes out -never gets a hangover from drinking draught -thinks that hypocrites are the biggest sinners on the planet -doesn't like to be patronized -tried to bake biscuits once but they turned out to look more like a bread pancake -has never tried to bake biscuits since -thinks chocolate should be a major food group -thinks tea should be a major food group -looks for love but so far found it in all the wrong places -knows that if you look for love you never find it -would someday like to have a cat -has no job -goes to art school and loves it -thinks that "Lawrence of Arabia" is a great movie -thinks that watching re-runs of 90210 is a waste of time but does it anyways -loves roller coasters -hates those spinny rides that make your tummy forget where gravity is -thinks Dr. Stephen Hawking is a really admirable person -is a bit of a dilletante in some things -tries to be interested in all things -beats people at Trivial Pursuit a lot -likes to play Scrabble even though she's terrible at it -likes to play pool and snooker even though she's terrible at them -'s favourite colour is purple -loves the Beatles -loves music...A LOT -has a brother -has a sister -has met them both but has never lived with either of them -has never broken a bone in her body -plays cribbage with her grandfather -has a teddy bear named Balzac the Jaws of Death aka Vlad the Impaler -has a Nigel Mansell flag -doesn't like Mickey Mouse but wants to go to Disneyworld -is a Virgo -is very Virgo in nature -isn't a true believer in astrology but thinks it's fun -has had her cards and tea leaves read -thought the predictions were eerie because many came true -has never fallen off a horse -knows a couple of dirty limericks -has eaten alligator and pine tree seeds -has no tattoos but has contemplated it -loves objects made of cobalt blue glass -does not read the newspaper -has an overactive imagination -was once told she was Jim Morrison's mother in a past life -still isn't sure how she should take that -liked Plato's "Republic" -thinks Dennis Miller is a verbal genius -hates insects -has never thrown her bra at Tom Jones -has never given birth to anything but ideas of great genius -stole a pack of gum from the store when she was eight -felt so guilty she left it on their windowsill -does not chew gum -wishes she knew all the words to "Stormy Weather" -thinks long and hard on matters of importance -often forgets to do anything about them -does not want children of her own -is computer illiterate -was amazed when she learned how to make a dos directory -still wants "from Santa" written on her Christmas presents -thinks the Grinch is a marvie thing to watch at Christmas -is no judge of live concerts but thinks her favourite ones so far are the Buzzcocks and Smashing Pumpkins -went line dancing once just for fun -is willing to drive anywhere for coffee just for fun -has gone to Buffalo, NY for coffee just 'cause -wants to re-learn how to ice skate -loves to read -owns tons of books -keeps her Wacko Warner doll on top of her monitor -has a five foot cardboard mobile of the Starship Enterprise 1701 -isn't sure why she bought it -wonders where she's going to put it -likes to give people things when she can -likes to wrap presents -likes to eat borscht and pickled herring -wants to learn how to speak Gaelic -can count in binary -knows the difference between a good witch and a bad witch -loves to be outside when it's foggy - especially at night -is pro-choice but doesn't think it should be used as a method of birth control -likes to write really long letters -sometimes babbles insanely -speaks with an east-coast accent when really excited -was born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia -likes cableknit fisherman's sweaters -dyed her hair once - it turned orange -she laughed at it but no one else did -loves trains -had her wisdom teeth RIPPED out of her face and thought that whatever they shot her up with was a split second of the most completely euphoric high anyone could ever experience -would do it again -does not do drugs -LOVES to watch lightening storms -likes to buy blank notebooks -keeps a journal and thinks everyone should at least try -has this nifty black mark on her right knee where Linda Grenier shoved a pencil in grade five -used to be depressed all the time but is now becoming joyous -loves green seedless grapes -went to the SkyDome for the showing of the last episode of Star Trek TNG -thinks a Klingon tried to pick her up there -can speak a little Klingon -likes to stay up at night -knows where babies come from -likes Calla and Tiger lillies and gladioulus and irises -likes Shakespeare's sonnet 116 -talks to the tv set -can't seem to iron ANYTHING without burning herself -loves her friends -has an Arnie "Commando" poster on her wall -is a packrat -is a magpie - she likes shiny things -does not like yellow gold -doesn't think that diamonds are a girl's best friend -would rather own a sapphire - it's her birthstone -wants to learn more about the Celts -wears a Celtic knot pendant -likes to paint terracotta pots -sells the terracotta pots -likes James Bond films -doesn't think Led Zeppelin is a heavy metal band -doesn't mind drinking saki -thinks saki will clear anyone's nasal passages -doesn't like Tony Curtis -has her ears pierced - but nothing else -never learned how to put on makeup but does wear lipstick -smokes cigarettes -spends WAY too much money on long distance phone calls -doesn't care if she does -listened to Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" fifteen times in a row the day she bought it -doesn't know if her father smells of elderberries -loves Billie Holliday -hasn't gone to confession since Dec. 2 1982 -doesn't care -is not in fear for the sanctity of her soul -likes to buy instant lotto tickets -doesn't win much money -thinks the Mona Lisa is a bit overrated -touched the Venus de Milo -doesn't take compliments well -is nauseated by the smell of burning "herbal" smoking products -doesn't want to own a dog -would call her pug dog Wednesday if she had one -owns a pair of rollerskates -still uses them -is willing to risk her life on Bourbon St. in New Orleans -thinks the second worst thing you can say of someone is that they are a poor sport -thinks the worst thing you can say of someone is that they are a liar -'s favourite poem is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost -drinks far too much Coca Cola -does not know the way to San Jose -does not know Bo -doesn't mind washing dishes -hates it when people watch her do housework -once ate almost two litres of Lime Sherbert while watching "Doctor Who" -isn't sure if she should be proud of that :> But wait, there's still more... For beefs, comments, complaints, trivia, questions, file requests got tons of text files on matters religious and magickal - someone asked me to do them a favour and I went a little overboard :> - I even have icon and bmp files relating to religious and magickal subjects - oh, and some other really neat ones, in particular this one that looks like jigsaw puzzle pieces that I'm particularly fond of :> - so ask away!>, commissions >, or e-mail let-down after all of the above :> > stick the following in the To: line of your header: lafraser@wchat.on.ca "The real voyage of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." Marcel Prost Have a marvie day! * Pangea curtsies... It's finally over :> * Pangea covers her head with a paper bag and hides. * Heatherica . . . learned a lot from that one ;-) :D * Tephra thinks she and Pan would get along well in RL..... * Havoc_TR laughs and applauds! Personally, if I had a dog, I'd name it Dammit. eats Borscht! girl you should be ashamed !!!! * Heatherica applauds, and pulls the bag off the supercontinent. * Shadow-Dancer is smiling * Pangea grins * Solitaire looks askance at Pangea... "Rather long winded, isn't she...?" * Pangea whaps her brother... HEY! :> * Solitaire grins/ * Pangea giggles embarrrased-like You want a cat? How 'bout one or both of the two fighting around my ankles right now? Havoc -- would be nice, but I can't have one where I live :> * Pangea hugs everyone and thanks them for putting up with that :> our next poem prolly isn't quite as long but should be justs as good Hmm . . . I thought the most recent rent control thing said no discrimination on the basis of pets . . . please welcome back Havoc (TR) with his poem The raven * Dragonheart hands the mic over to Havoc * Havoc_TR wanders up to the stage. Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary.. Oops, sorry. Wrong life. The Raven -- The raven, dressed in black, flies sad, alone. And solemn is the croaking of his voice. For him to love his life is not a choice Since fun is something that he's never known. Or that, at least, is how he hides his face. But once, when I was near him unaware I heard his happy chuckles in the air I watched and listened, hidden in my place. He flew for fun with little rolls and flicks He surfed the waves of wind with joy and style And chortled to himself all of the while Until he saw me hidden in the sticks Then silent, solemn, swift, away he flew Ashamed that he loved life and that I knew. --end * Solitaire grins. I love it! * Heatherica applauds. * Tephra applauds loudly "I loved that Havoc!" * Pangea claps loudly! * Shavaylah smiles and claps ! BRAVO!!!! beautiful poem Havoc and it looks like you caught the prankster at his tricks A sonnet. I wouldn't want to shock people TOO badly tonight. Glad you liked it. :) our next poem is a another from Miari as before I'll let her give you the title Title - Listening Those flakes of doubt the tendrils of fear Can feed each other not unlike our passion Leading us, taking us. The same force of delight that led us together Can pick and probe and turn to mountains of doubt. When I heard those words my heart ached for a moment, I saw you leave me. I reached to touch you and felt warm air the place you just occupied. I looked at my hand and opened it and held it up. You reached over and placed your hand on mine. Our skin, warm, soft, supple Yet held together by unseen strengths. My fear abated I'll touch you again So long as we open our hands open our hearts And listen. Listen, my love and take care of you Find your hearts peace What I can, I will do if you need me I'm here Hand open, heart open Listening. end * Heatherica applauds. * Tephra sighs "That was wonderful" *applauds* * Havoc_TR applauds! beautifuly done again Miari Beautiful, Miara! * Pangea claps appreciatively... * Shavaylah applauds * Dragonheart always was a sucker for love poems next up is a living breathing poet me nope Nope? we'll re arrange things some and let Jenn have the stage to give us a poem of hers entitled Wish * Jenn2 giggles Ah. * Dragonheart calls Jenn2 up to the stage to read her poem I feel so special...changing the schedule just for me... okee...Wish...it's not good, haven't editted or anything...but that's normal for me, I just write it and leave it be...so it's kinda poopy...well, there's another word for it, but I'd be kicked/banned if I said it...so... _Wish_ Kill me now, Kill me before They do it first. Pain wracks my Dry, Tear filled body This constant torment I can no longer stand It is all I am All I will ever be I want it to end now Let my spirit fly, Let me be free, Let me make, The Final Journey To start over let me have a new chance let me begin again Fulfull my potential For everything, everything I wish. *end* * Heatherica applauds. * Havoc_TR applauds. Wow *thoughtful applause* * Jenn2 blushes and sits in a dark corner * Shavaylah applauds ... * Solitaire wows. quite a wish hun I was thiking of turning that one in for this little workshop... and the two others, cause ya gotta turn in three, and then they decide whether ya qualify...kinda nifty...and, its a week away from school *grin* and I really don't think mine are that great...I'm bad at editting...and so they come out kinda...raw ok - speaking of which - the Saturday workshop is still active but now meets at 3 pm pacific time on saturdays not 5pm this so we can accomodate teh reading at 7 pm and still have some working time * Solitaire nods. * Jenn2 nods next up is Dragonheart wit a selection called Living poems these are 2 short poems based on a single "assignment - 5 objects that had to be included in the poem so here they go Living Poems _________________________I_____________________ My keys are gone My desk is shut the wheell of time rolls on, while pen in hand, I write, In the book of Man - the poem that is my life. __________________________________________ __________________________II_________________ Locked in the desk with the keys long lost Lies the book and pen of history while life wheels on to unknown futures. _____________________________________________ * Heatherica applauds. * Jenn2 hrmmm's * Tephra applauds short but sweet...I like the metaphors * Solitaire claps. Nice. thanks hun * Havoc_TR applauds and thinks. * Shavaylah applauds brb, changing servers next up with her second poem of the evening * Jenn2 blinks is Jenn2 with a poem "titled" Untitled 6 this one...it's bad...couldn't get it to flow right, the rhythm on it is so bad it's not funny... _Untitled 6_ (though I dunno, isn't that a title in itself?) She guides me, My every thought, my every word, every movement. She is a whisper of whatever lays behind and before who walks with me. Without her, I would not be, Would have no reason To continue on. She will be there Always and forever, part of me, as I am part of her As we all are, in the beginning. Without her teachings, I would be blind To the world around I would not be What I am, but rather a monotonous drone Who's only joys would be quiet and still boredom. She and I are one, but never the same. *end* * Heatherica applauds. well done hun * Shavaylah applauds :) * Tephra applauds pondering * Havoc_TR applauds thinking. hrmmm...should put a little disclaimer in that, saying people who have a problem with paganism shouldnt read...oh well, too late now *giggle* oh yeah, that was from an english assignment last year, we had to write a poem about our faith/religion/whatever ya wanna call it next up is our poet-Raptor (cna't call him just a sonnetraptor any more ) with the poem of the month - October * Tephra liked it, but then she thinks her Pagan frineds are cool *grin* It's a sonnet, DH. :) * Dragonheart calls Havoc back up to the stage * Havoc_TR takes the stage. October -- The last of summer's warmth, first winter's cold The harvest's mellow richness on the land While bare and barren woods and fields will stand The youth of seeds on flowers dry and old The sorrow of the geese all gone away The urge to follow on to where they've gone The comfort, knowing shelter, staying on With brave and cheerful creatures who will stay, The crisp clean autumn air, delightful breath The brilliant colors which cannot stay long, And leave just gray behind when they are gone, A feast of life, a solemn thought of death, I'm not surprised at contrasts shown to me For why should nature vary less than we? --end * Heatherica applauds. Bravo * Tephra applauds hrmmm...okee, questin from the ignorant one...what's the difference between a sonnet and a regular poem? * Shavaylah applauds .. now where did I put that dang file Jenn -- a sonnet is highly structured, Jenn a sonnet is 14 lines with a predefined rythm and rhyme scheme * Jenn2 nods There are 2 types of rhyme scheme, I've seen Havoc use both... A sonnet is 14 lines, iambic pentameter, with a (usually) set rhyme scheme. There are several different types. * Heatherica shakes her head slightly . . . More than two . . . I've used 4 different rhyme schemes that I can remember, one I think is original. The three _main_ are Spenserian, Petrarchan, and Shakespearean . . . English class was a while ago *grin* Then there are many variations of those. ok next up with the next to last poem of the night is our young questioner with Untitled 7 * Jenn2 giggles young questioner? hrmmm... okee...this one is long...and I think a bit boring, but i suppose it is a bit of a question...more like a pondering... _Untitled 7_ The powers, they wake me in the night. Their allure, so strange and unknown. It drives me on to discover, discover what can be tamed, and what is truely wild. The powers, they ebb and flow, like cosmic tides, of every hue, they flow over, under, and through me. I seek a mere taste of them, their beauty, their substance, it is what, I crave most. The powers, they are all that is me, all that is, this small world. And I wonder if perhaps they are random, or some playful sprite, having fun with my untrained mind. *end* * Tephra applauds * Heatherica applauds. * Havoc_TR applauds! * Shavaylah applauds!! see, told ya it was more like a pondering than a question... * Jenn2 giggles very lovely - i've resembled that more than a few times * Havoc_TR does not believe in random events any more. hi Kerm well actuallit was both been there each one a few times * Jenn2 nods to Kerm *nod* * Tephra snugglehugs Kerm * Kerm waves and curls up long side teph our last poem is a short one of mine titled Queen and written for the Queen of my Heart CHantilly Queen of My Heart . delicate dragoness queen of my heart hold me close lover loved and laughter shared necks entwined and eyes aglow delicate dragoness queen of my heart hold me close ----------------------- end * Jenn2 smiles * Shavaylah smiles and applauds * Kerm claps and applauds loudly * Havoc_TR awwwwws and applauds! * Heatherica applauds. very beautiful...I really like how ya ended it * Tephra smiles and kisses Kerm before she applauds thanks all *GRIN* and with that we conclude the 20th weekly AFD Poetry reading I hope to see you all back here at 7pm Pacific next Saturday night for the 21st reading! please remember that the poetry workshop now starts at 3 pm Pacific on saturdays and meets in #Hawaiian_Weyr for those who want them I have logs of last week's reading and shopuld have the log of this one available starting tomorrow eveneing late food and drinks are available in #Kelekona as well as any further discussions Session Close: Sat Oct 05 17:57:30 1996